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Keratoacanthoma is a common epithelial tumour of skin composed of keratinizing squamous cells originating in pilosebaceous follicles and resolving spontaneously if untreated. It predominantly affects the sun exposed sites in fair skinned, middle aged and old individuals with a peak incidence in the sixth and seventh decades. Males are affected about three times more often than females. Clinically presents as firm, rounded, solitary, flesh coloured or pink, dome shaped nodule with a central keratin plug. We report a case of keratoacanthoma in a 52 year old female who presented with complaints of erythematous raised lesion over the right shoulder for the past 8 months.


Keratoacanthoma Molluscum sebaceum Squamous cell carcinoma

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How to Cite
RG, S., Thomas, J., D, M., & K, M. (2016). Keratoacanthoma - A Rare Case Report. International Journal of Dermatopathology and Surgery, 2(1), 14-16. Retrieved from