Volume 10 Issue 1

DOI: https://doi.org/10.26452/ijntps.v10i1

Published: Jun 18, 2020

Evaluation of in-vitro antidiabetic activity of leaf juice of Plectranthus amboinicus (lour.)

9-17 Pavan Kumar Kurakula, Tharun D, Mahantesh S, Krishna O, Sudheer A, Mujahid SM, Sai vikas S

Colon targeting oral matrix tablets of mesalamine: Design, development and invitro evaluation

18-27 Audinarayana N, Anala Srinivasulu, Vellore Sruthikumari, Likitha, Ananda Deepak V

Current updates on COVID-19 - A review

1-8 Ghotekar D S, Vishal N Kushare, Sagar V Ghotekar