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The process of inflammation and the arthritis was induced due to the immune system problems in elderly patients. They are encountering problems with the immune system which identifies the own body as a foreign system and acts against it. This causes inflammation in the joints and therefore causing pain and swelling in the joints. This immunity lowering drugs are the major classes of drugs that will affect the human body by lowering the immunity, and the side effects are caused by the opportunistic infections that occur when the body has low immunity. These effects are now dangerous, and the drugs that treat arthritis are now considered deadly, and their use is minimized too. In this respect, the herbs are found to be the best sources of the treatment of arthritis that produce the chemical constituents that target and cure inflammation that causes arthritis. The plant extract was used to incorporate into the ointment, and this was investigated for the anti-arthritic activity. This was compared to the activity of the extract and standard drug. The ointment that was prepared showed a significantly better activity compared with the standard drug.


Indomethacin anti-arthritic Ointment formulations

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How to Cite
Bhavani J, Ravichandran S, Satheesh Kumar D, Chandrasekaran A R, Saraladevi V, & Irfana Asma S. (2018). Investigation and Preparation of Polyherbal Ointment for Arthritis. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Life Sciences, 6(2), 34-37.

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