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Serratiopeptidase is a proteolytic enzyme that was being used for decades as an anti-inflammatory agent. It was initially synthesized from the larval form of the silk moth. It is ubiquitously prescribed in combination with NSAIDs to relieve pain and inflammation. In addition to desired pharmacological activity, it has some other effects. One among which is fibrinolytic activity. Fibrin is an activated form of fibrinogen formed as a result of injury to mitigate the loss of blood. Inactive plasminogen activates plasmin which is a proteolytic enzyme. As its chemical nature, it solubilizes the fibrin at a specific time to prevent embolism. Serralysin being proteolytic in nature interacts with the fibrin and degrades it into degradation particles which lead to uncontrollable bleeding. This improves the chance of deviation in BT and CT in subjects from initial readings. This analytical study was conducted on 20 participants who are admitted to a public hospital with other ailments and their variations in BT and CT were recorded, analyzed, and represented in the form of charts.


Serratiopeptidase Bleeding Time (BT) Clotting Time (CT) Fibrin Fibrinolytic Activity Proteolytic Activity

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How to Cite
Jothieswari D, Srihari M V, Karthik R, Praveen Kumar V, & Sumit Giri. (2023). Impact of Serratiopeptidase on Bleeding and Clotting Time at Therapeutic Dose. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Life Sciences, 11(1), 1-4.