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Eight samples available in the name of Akil (S II to S IX) collected from Indian market were subjected to fluorescence analysis. The attempt studied for loss on drying at 105oC, pH, ash value, extractive value, solubility value, volatile oil content, qualitative phytochemical screening and inorganic chemical analysis as the standards showing the physico - chemical properties of all the source samples. The authentic sample of Akil was named SI for comparison. As the original source taxon is rare and limited in geography, standardization is required for its identification.


Akil Volatile oil Phytochemical screening Fluorescence

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V, S., P, J., & N, V. rekha. (2017). COMPARATIVE PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND FLUORESCENCE STUDIES ON BLINDLY ADULTERATED WOOD SAMPLES OF AKIL . International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Life Sciences, 5(1), 1-5. Retrieved from