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Objectives: To compare the add-on effect of a weeklong mind sound resonance technique (MSRT) with supine rest (SR) on quality of sleep, pain, stress and state anxiety levels in 62 (34 females; age range: 49 ± 12.2 years) patients suffering from Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain (CMP) since 6.6±5.5 years. Materials and Methods: Sixty two patients admitted to residential integrative therapy center and receiving integrated of approach of yoga therapy (IAYT) intervention were divided into two groups: MSRT (32; 16 females) and SR (30; 18 females). Two group pre-post design was followed, patients were matched for the age, gender, education and duration of illness. Diagnosis of CMP was made by physicians independently by history and clinical examination. Participants practiced MSRT or SR (as control intervention) at bedtime for 30 min before going to sleep at the same time for seven consecutive days. The sequence of intervention was assigned randomly to the participants. Quality of sleep (QoS) was assessed us- ing the sleep rating questionnaire. Whereas pain, state anxiety and stress levels were assessed using visual analog pain scale (VAPS), state trait anxiety inventory (STAI; Form X1) and perceived stress scale (PSS) respectively. Re- sults: Both MSRT and SR groups showed significant improvement in overall sleep quality and reduction in pain, state anxiety and stress, within the group. Comparison between MSRT and Supine Rest (SR) groups, showed that subjects felt significantly more rested in the morning in MSRT group as compared to SR (P= 0.001). Conclusion: This study suggests that both MSRT and SR done for 30 minutes at bedtime as an add on IAYT program helps en- hance sleep quality and reduce stress, pain and anxiety levels of CMP patients, suggesting beneficial effect of IAYT program on CMP patients. Patients who do MSRT feel significantly more rested the next morning than those who perform SR.
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