International Journal of Review in Life Sciences
<p><strong>FOCUS AND SCOPE</strong></p> <p>This journal involves basic review on clinical and non-clinical studies related to applied life sciences. This journal focuses on the articles related to the studies of implication of life sciences and their impact on biology, aerobiology, agricultural science, plant science, animal science, bioinformatics, genomics, proteomics, synthetic biology, environmental science, public health, modeling, engineering of living systems and many other types of scientific study.</p> <p>Preference will be given to the articles containing clinical interests and their implications that apply life science studies.</p>International Journal of Review in Life Sciences, Sponsored by ScienzTechen-USInternational Journal of Review in Life Sciences2231-2935Survey of millets explored for the traditional food and medicine by the Rural Inhabitant of Salem District, Tamil Nadu-India
<p>This study investigated communication traits influencing awareness and adoption of recommended small millet cultivation practices among tribal millet farmers in the Salem District's Kolli hills and Salem forest divisions, Eastern Ghats of Tamil Nadu. Data, collected through personal interviews and informal discussions, aimed to address agrarian and nutritional challenges, emphasizing the potential of millets in dry lands for increased grain production. Millets, climate-resilient and nutritionally rich, offer benefits such as gluten-free composition, phytochemicals, and micronutrients crucial for immune function. Traditionally cultivated by Malayali tribes, millets exhibit medicinal and nutraceutical properties, contributing to the prevention of various health issues. The study highlights the rising interest in millets among scientists, technologists, and nutritionists, emphasizing their potential for value addition and processing to create ready-to-eat items. This not only benefits the masses but also provides income opportunities for rural and tribal farmers, promoting food security, employment, and revenue generation. Researchers focus on innovative approaches to enhance millet production, further underlining its significance in addressing current agricultural and nutritional challenges.Top of Form</p>K. VenketasanMohd AsifParwez AhmedKabiruddin AhmedN. Zaheer Ahmed
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