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The goal of Present study is comparison of physical development (stature and weight) between nine & ten years old students of different Iranian ethnics (FARS, TORK, KORD, LOR) living in Karaj city. To do so samples were taken in the form of Cluster Sampling from four FARS, TORK, KORD, LOR ethnics respectively 40, 40, 38, 40 persons from 3 different schools (totally 158 persons) and this selection based upon questionnaire filled by students as per their parents ethnicity. To gather required data and evaluate physical features named above one similar questionnaire for obtaining required information, measuring tape for measuring stature and weighting scale for measuring weight of the samples were utilized. Result of one-way variance analysis test showed that there is no significant difference between four mentioned ethnics in physical development (stature& weight) and bearing in mind the common living environment it might be because of common genetic origin of all Iranian ethnics.


Physical Development Ethnicity Genetic Origin Inheritance Genetics

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How to Cite
Babakhani, M., Bahari, M., & Bagherli, J. (2012). The Comparison of Physical Growth between 10 Years Old Students of Different Iranian Ethnics . International Journal of Research in Phytochemistry and Pharmacology, 2(4), 180-183. Retrieved from