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Sedentary lifestyle particularly in obesity condition affects respiratory function and cardiorespiratory fitness. This study aimed to evaluate respiratory functional in response to aerobic exercise training. For this purpose, a total thirty two middle-aged sedentary obese males divided into exercise or control groups by randomly. Subject of exercise group participated in an aerobic exercise program (60 min, 3 days/week for 12 weeks) and the control subjects were instructed to maintain their habitual activities. Pre and post exercise anthropometrical indexes, maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) and spirometry markers were measured of two groups. At baseline there were no differences in the age, spirometry markers, VO2max, body weight and other anthropometrical indexes between the two groups (p≥0.05). Aerobic exercise program resulted in a significant increase in FVC, FEV1 and other spirometric markers (p˂0.05) but not in the control subjects. Compared to pre-training, body weight, body fat (%) and VO2max decreased significantly in exercise group (p˂0.05) but not in the control subjects. Positive cor- relations were observed between VO2max and spirometric markers after exercise program (p˂0.05). Considering these finding, it may conclude that exercise training for long time can improve respiratory functional in sedentary obese men this improvement is associated with cardiorespiratory fitness in this population.


Aerobic exercise cardiorespiratory fitness obesity respiratory function

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How to Cite
Mojtaba, E., Fatemeh, K., Davood, K., & Hussein , D. (2015). Respiratory functional in response to aerobic training program in obese men . International Journal of Research in Phytochemistry and Pharmacology, 5(2), 23-28. Retrieved from