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Ficus benghalensis is one of those taboo plants in India, which was claimed to be possessed and have weird effects on human health. Apart from this ficus species has a great variety of chemical constituents and an abundant amount of antioxidants. Drying is the most critical stage of improving the activity or preventing the loss of chemical components from a drug. There is another stage of ensuring high chemical constituent content in the plant and that is the extraction procedure. So the point of focus in the current research is to find the effect of extraction method and drying on the anti-inflammatory potential of the plant. The result of the extraction method and drying method of the plant was investigated and found that the ultrasound-assisted extraction of the shade dried leaves was found to give the highest yield of flavonoids and activity.


Ficus drying invitro ultrasound HPLC

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Nithyakalyani K. (2020). HPLC analysis and activity to determine the effect of drying and extraction on Ficus benghalensis leaves. International Journal of Research in Phytochemistry and Pharmacology, 9(1), 6-10.