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Amaranthus spinosus (L.) is found in the wild and in fallow lands of Bangladesh. The plant is believed to have me- dicinal properties by the folk medicinal practitioners (locally known as Kabirajes) of the country, and is often used for treatment of diabetes. Since scientific studies are lacking on the plant about this pharmacological properties, we decided to carry out a comprehensive study to evaluate the antihyperglycemic effects of crude methanol ex- tract of leaves in Swiss albino mice. Antihyperglycemic activity study was done through oral glucose tolerance tests in glucose-loaded mice. The methanol extract of the leaf resulted in significant dose-dependent antihyper- glycemic activity, when administered to mice at doses of 50 mg and 500 mg extract per kg body weight. Even at the lowest dose tested, 50 mg extract per kg body weight, a significant antihyperglycemic activity was achieved- the values for glycemic status of the treated mouse varied significantly from the untreated ones (control) and also from standard concentration of an antihyperglycemic medicine (Glibenclamide) treated ones. With a higher dose (500mg of extract per kg body weight) the variation was even more significant as the p value fell below the 0.05 using a Student’s t-curve. The results demonstrate that the leaf extract possess significant antihyperglycemic ac- tivities and validate the folk medicinal use of the plant as an antidote to diabetes.
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