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Herbal medicines posses a strong traditional value to be used as drugs, which are safe and effective against vari- ous diseases. According to ethno medical information Smilax zeylanica belonging to family Smilaceae, commonly known as Karuvilanchi has been used for widely treating various ailments such as swelling, abscesses, anemia, urinary disorder etc. Present study is related to pharmacognostic investigation of fresh, anatomical sections of root of Smilax zeylanica revealed different cell structures and arrangement. The physicochemical analysis of the root powder of Smilax zeylanica showed loss on drying (6.196%), total ash (3.373%), acid insoluble ash (1.025%), water-soluble extractive (4.6%) and alcohol-soluble extractive (5.3%) values. These findings will be useful towards establishing pharmacognostic standards on identification, purity and quality.
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