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Hyperlipidemia is the greatest risk factor of coronary heart disease. The present study was designed to investigate the antihyperlipidemic activity of aqueous extract of Trushanadiloha in Triton WR-1339 induced Hyperlipidemia Albino rats. Aqueous extract of Trushanadiloha was administered at a dose of100 to 3000 mg/kg, i. p. to Triton induced Hyperlipidemia rats. Aqueous extract of Trushanadiloha show a significant decrease in the levels of serum cholesterol, triglycerides, at the dose of a 100 to 3000 mg/kg, i. p against Triton induced hyperlipidemic rats. Therefore, it effectively suppressed the Triton induced hyperlipidemia in rats, suggesting the potential protective role in Coronary Heart Disease.


Trushanadiloha Hyperlipidemia Triglycerides Triton WR - 1339

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How to Cite
K. V, R., M. L, N., K, R., K, P., A, R., & VnmskHaricheran. (2013). Evaluation of acute hypolipidemic activity of aqueous extract of herbomineral formulation in triton WR-1339 induced hyperlipidemia in albino rats. International Journal of Research in Phytochemistry and Pharmacology, 3(2), 90-93. Retrieved from