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Previously, hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic effects of ethanolic  extract  of  aerial  parts  of  Grewia  serrulata  DC  (EEGS) was evaluated in comparison with that of pioglitazone, a standard drug for therapy of diabetes mellitus. In        the present study, the effect of ethanolic extract of aerial parts of Grewia serrulata  DC  was  studied  on  glucose induced insulin secretion in rat pancreas with an  evaluated  of their mechanism  of action. Isolation  and  prepara-­‐  tion of pancreas by collagenase digestion method and Insulin secretion from islets were observed with graduate concentrations of EEGS. There was a concentration-­‐dependent increase in insulin release when islets were incu-­‐ bated with various concentrations of EEGS at 10 and 60 min. For inhibition  of insulin  from  pancreas, the  pancreas islets were preincubated with diazoxide along with and without 100 mg of EEGS. Incubation of pancreatic islets with glucose and 100mg of EEGS in the presence of diazoxide caused a 22.16% (10 min) and 16.64 % (60 min) inhi-­‐ bition in insulin release. This study clearly indicated that Grewia serrulata  DC reverse the effect of diazoxide. It can       be concluded that the insulin secretagogue effect of ethanolic extract of aerial parts of Grewia serrulata  DC regu-­‐  lates the insulin secretion of islets of pancreas because of its antioxidant property.


Grewia serrulata DC diazoxide Insulin secretagogue Glucose induced insulin secretion

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How to Cite
I, S. C., KN, J., & Shaik, K. (2013). Insulin secretagogue effect of Grewia serrulata DC on glucose induced insulin release from rat pancreatic islets. International Journal of Research in Phytochemistry and Pharmacology, 3(4), 182-185. Retrieved from