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Blood being the most commonly obtained sample for clinical analysis in biomedical research. The collection of blood and preservation is done clinically by the phlebotomist according to the standards set up by the OSHA and CLSI. Blood is preserved in the blood collection tube which contains various preservatives. Blood is collected at various sites and by various methods. The most commonly used method is venipuncture method by vacutainer and vacuette tubes. Nowadays tubes with coloured caps are commonly used for blood collection, and these col- oured tubes contain various preservatives. According to the colour codes it can be used for specific tests. Once the blood is collected and processed, the blood has to be stored without further degradation, and this article provides information in regard with blood sampling in biomedical research.


Anticoagulant biomedical waste collection tubes phlebotomist preservative venipuncture

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How to Cite
A, R. S., N, N. A. K., V.S, T. rajan, S, G. K., & C, M. chetty. (2016). A Review on Blood sampling Methods in Biomedical Research . International Journal of Research in Phytochemistry and Pharmacology, 6(3), 46-55. Retrieved from

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