Published: May 7, 2020

Relative susceptibility of paddy varieties to Sitotroga cerealella oliv. (lepidoptera: gelichiidae)

128-131 Sangeetha S, Kavitha P, Rajendran K

A study on variations in physico-chemical and microbial factors of water during induced breeding of catla catla in a closed hatchery system

132-135 Priyadharshini R, Damodaran R, Kavitha P

Antidiabetic activity of Ulva fasciata and its impact on carbohydrate metabol- ism enzymes in alloxan induced diabetic rats

136-141 Abirami R.G, Kowsalya S

A detail physicochemical investigation of a polyherbal formulation - Cutisora tablet

142-148 Hitesh Gohel , Bhatt J.J, Vidhi Parikh, Hardik Soni, Prateek Patel, Ghanshyam Patel

Evaluation of Acute and Sub-Chronic Toxicities of the topical extract of Mangifriaindica Seeds on Wistar albino Rats

149-154 Amgad A. Awad El-Gied, Ismail M. Mahmoud, Abelkareem Mohammed, Elnazeer I Hamedelniel

Therapeutic potency of Solanum torvum Swartz on benign prostatic hyperplasia treatment : A review

121-127 Jason M. Peranginangin, Andreanus A. Soemardji, Ketut Adnyana I, Diah Dhianawaty D