Published: May 7, 2020

An in vitro evaluation of antimicrobial activity of aqueous Curcuma longa ex- tract against endodontic pathogens

1-6 Hegde MN , Shetty S , Mahalaxmi Y , Amit B. Patil

Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity of methanolic, chloroform and ethyl acetate extracts of leaves Tetraclinis articulata (Vahl) Masters Algerian

7-11 Abderrahmane Djouahri, Lynda boudarene

Effect of papaverine on erythrocyte membrane ATPases in sickle cell anaemia

12-15 Njoku U.O , Nwodo O.F.C, Agu C.V

Bioactive benzophenones from stem bark and fruit hulls of Garcinia semseii Verdc

16-20 Joseph Jangu Magadula

Phytochemical Screening and Antioxidant properties of Bauhinia Variegata

21-24 Sawhney S. S, Amin Mir M, Sandeep Kumar

Comparative study on the ethanolic extract of Cassia alata and Tectona grandis against pathogenic bacteria

41-44 Sabitha Jose, Usha P.T.A, Priya P.M

Effect of Malphigia glabra (Acerola berry) in acetaminophen induced hepatic injury in rats

45-51 Luveena A. A. M, Karthiayini K, Sreekumar K.P

Isolation and characterization of cyclopropenoid fatty acids in Althaea rosea seed oil

52-54 Sherwani M.R.K, Chouhan S., Malik A, Parveen S, Sharma S

Immunomodulatory effects of sulfated polysaccharides from Sargassum siliquosum J.G Agardh on peripheral blood mononuclear cells

55-63 Ross D. Vasquez, John Donnie A. Ramos

Evaluation and comparison of the effect of two insulin sensitizers on glycemic and lipid control in patients with type II diabetes mellitus

64-69 Anand Acharya, Das M.C, Antaryami Maharana

Role of amifostine in ameliorating the toxicities of anticancer drugs - A preclinical evaluation

70-74 Ambili Remesh

Phytochemical constituents and pharmacological activities of Ipomoea batatas l. (Lam) – A review

25-34 Vandana Panda, Madhav Sonkamble

Novel oral anticoagulants – An overview

35-40 Mallika G, Madhusudhana Chetty C, Mohamed Saleem T.S