Published: May 7, 2020

Chemical composition and antibacterial activity of essential oil from fruits of Illiciumverum Hook. f.

85-89 Saraswathy Ariamuthu, Vidhya Balakrishnan, Mercy Lavanya Srinivasan

Evaluation of acute hypolipidemic activity of aqueous extract of herbomineral formulation in triton WR-1339 induced hyperlipidemia in albino rats

90-93 RamSubbarao K. V, Naidu M. L, Ramanjaneyul K, Prasad K, Ramesh A, VnmskHaricheran

Phytochemical analysis and antimicrobial activity of Boerhaviacoccinea

94-98 Sheila M. Maregesi, Rogers Mwakalukwa, Denis T. Mwangomo, Nondo R.S.O

Studies on the impact of Spirulinaplatensis on the mulberry silk worm Bombyxmori (L)

99-102 Kumar K, Balasubramaniyan U

A comparative phytochemical and anti-bacterial study of Menthapiperita and Citrus sinensis

103-105 Gangai Abirami S. K, Nirmala P

Investigation of biological activities of Grewiacolumnaris

106-108 Mahbubul HS, Jannatul F, Tasnuva S, Mehreen R, Sharmin RC

In-vitro anti-microbial activity of various extracts of Rungiarepens (L) nees

109-112 Hemant Kumar Sharma, Veerachamy Alagarsamy

Betulin from bark of Betulautilis act as an anti-convulsant agent

113-115 Vikas Singh, Gyanendra Saxena, Himanshu Joshi, Priyanka Gupta, Ekta Arya

Experimental researches on preclinical toxicity studies of ethanol leaf extract of Cordia sebestena

116-120 Sarathchandiran I, Gnanavel M

Nigella Sativa: Blessed Seed

78-84 Munira Momin, Sadaf Momin, Suvarna Kurhade, MohibKhan, Kishor Butte