Research, case reports, review and mini review papers are accepted in Scienztech.


File format

Manuscript should be submitted in the form of DOCX or DOC, and it should never be locked or protected to make it easy for the reviewers for the process of publication.

Length of manuscript

Scienztech is not customized with any limitations of number of words and pages in the manuscript. It can be as much as the author feels to be. Authors have to ensure that all the required content of their research or review information is present in the manuscript even before submission to the review team.

All the required tables, figures, charts and pictorial representations are acceptable in the manuscript which follows copyright ethics.

Font of content

A standard sized font throughout the manuscript is always acceptable to make it feasible in formatting the content. Times new roman format with a font size of 12 is preferable.

Uncommon symbols (non-editable) are not accepted, but all the symbols available in the Microsoft and authorized tools are accepted.


Make sure that the headings are always clear and sub-heading are appropriate. Try to concise the number of headings to make it easy for the people to understand the scientific content.

Spacing and layout

Better not to divide single page into number of columns. Line to line spacing should be l.5.

Page number and line number

Page number should always be included in the manuscript. Make sure that the line number continues from page to page. Do not restart the line number or page number for every page.


English is the accepted language of interest in ScienZtech.

However, abstract and manuscript with translations of other languages along with English is acceptable to make it easy for non-English readers to understand.

Publication charges

Publication fee is payable only if a manuscript is accepted for publication. There is no additional fee for color figures. Instruction for payment will be sent during the publication process and invoice will be available in the author’s login page after a manuscript is accepted. Payment can be made by credit card or bank transfer. Publication fee is required to cover the cost of publication and should be paid before copyediting and publication.


Submit manuscripts using the online submission system ( Track your submission at All files should be submitted online in the journal's web site. Submissions by email of any manuscript files, either to the editors or to the journal office, are not acceptable and they would be discarded automatically.

According to ScienZtech definition, the corresponding author is an individual who takes primary responsibility for communication with the journal during manuscript submission, peer review, and publication process, and typically ensures that all the journal’s administrative requirements, such as providing details of authorship, ethics committee approval, and gathering conflict of interest forms and statements, are properly completed, although these duties may be delegated to one or more coauthors.

To avoid possible fraudulence, we will only process manuscripts submitted by the corresponding author(s). Manuscript submitted by non-corresponding authors will be automatically rejected without peer review.

Cover letter

All manuscripts should be accompanied by a cover letter from the corresponding author. The cover letter should contain a statement that the manuscript has been seen and approved by all authors. If there are more than 10 authors, specific contribution of each author must be substantiated in the cover letter. The cover letter should inform the editor of potential overlap with other material already published or submitted for publication and should provide a reference to or a copy of this material. The cover letter should also disclose any conflict of interest—financial or otherwise—that may directly or indirectly influence the content of the manuscript submitted. Finally, the cover letter should provide any additional information that may be helpful to the editor.

Manuscript file

Embed figures and tables in the manuscript to become one single file for submission in Microsoft Word. Once submission is complete, the system will generate a manuscript ID and password sent to the corresponding author's contact email.

Manuscripts should adhere to the journal style detailed in this guideline to expedite the publishing process. Authors should pay careful attention to the required reference formatting and manuscript sections.

Supplementary material

The initial submission allows one supplementary file to be submitted together with the main manuscript file and cover letter. If you have more than one supplementary file, you can submit the extra ones after the initial submission in the manuscript login page (under "Supplementary file" heading, click on the link "[Add More]").

The maximum file size for supplementary materials is 10 MB each uncompressed. Keep the files as small as possible to avoid the frustrations experienced by readers with downloading large files. Large files can be compressed into a ZIP file when submitting, but not RAR. Supplementary materials appear online linked to the paper and are not edited.

A note on plagiarism: There is a zero-tolerance policy towards plagiarism (including self-plagiarism) in our journals. Manuscripts are screened for plagiarism before, during, and after publication, and if found they will be rejected at any stage of processing.


Authors should submit their revisions within one month in the case of minor revision, two months in the case of major revision, and three months in the case of de novo resubmission. To submit a revision, sign in at the manuscript login page and use the submit revision button at the right side of the page. Manuscripts with significant results are typically reviewed and published at the highest priority.


After the manuscript is accepted, any inquiry should be addressed to our publishing team only. Do not send any publishing related inquiry to our editors or editor-in-chief as they are not involved in the process after a manuscript is accepted.

Research paper

These are the manuscripts of real research carried out by researchers in a specified period of time that may possess clinical or non-clinical benefits at a defined set of protocols. Researchers should ensure that all unimportant tables and pictorial presentations of the research are removed from the manuscripts and can be added to the supplementary material session. Researchers should make sure that the content should be concise and informative.

The research, if subjected to have worked on the living organisms, should always be ethically cleared before submission to the reviewers.

Case report

Case reports submitted to Scienztech should make a contribution to medical knowledge and must have educational value or highlight the need for a change in clinical practice or diagnostic/prognostic approaches. The journal will not consider case reports describing preventive or therapeutic interventions, as these generally require stronger evidence.

Authors are encouraged to describe how the case report is rare or unusual as well as its educational and/or scientific merits in the covering letter that accompanies the submission of the manuscript.

Any images should protect the patient’s anonymity as far as possible. Any photos or medical imaging should not show the patient's name, medical record number, or date of birth. Images should be cropped only to show the key feature. As per journal policy, Scienztech does not consider images with faces or facial features of patients. If an image of a face must be published, this should be cropped so that only the affected area is shown. 

Reporting standards

For case reports, Scienztech requires authors to follow the CARE guidelines. The CARE checklist should be provided as an additional file. Submissions received without these elements will be returned to the authors as incomplete.

The checklist will not be used as a tool for judging the suitability of manuscripts for publication in Scienztech, but is intended as an aid to authors to clearly, completely, and transparently let reviewers and readers know what authors did and found. Using the CARE guidelines to write the case report and completing the CARE checklist are likely to optimize the quality of reporting and make the peer review process more efficient.

Review Articles

A good review is expected to provide an authoritative and in-depth understanding of important topics in medicine. It gives a very high-quality state-of-the-art account of the subject matter and a balanced assessment of the current primary literature. The implications of recent developments for the wider scientific community are emphasized and authors should aim to stimulate progress in the field. Reviews must be of general interest and enticing to the journal’s broad readership. A good review should also be a timely account that is needed and add genuinely to the existing literature. References should be selected to give a balanced view of the field. Special terms, acronyms, and symbols should be defined and fundamental ideas explained in a simplistic way. We particularly encourage international and multidisciplinary collaborations among our authors.

A review paper should always be a content of less than 8,500 words to make it informative and appropriate for the readers. The author should make sure that the referencing is given appropriately at every point of use.

Mini review

This is another form of newsletters which are always very short notes on a particular informative content to ensure an update in any scientific concern. This is expected to be not more than 4,000 words with concise and clear content.


Reprints can be ordered after copyediting and publication (in manuscript login page). Reprints are now printed on glossy paper with cover page. They are made of highest quality suitable for scientific corresponding.

Style Guide

General Remarks

To expedite the publishing process, closely follow this style guide.

Apply minimal additional formatting and stylization to the manuscript. During processing, all articles will be reformatted to Times New Roman font with left alignment. Authors whose first language is not English are encouraged to use Times New Roman font to avoid input of non-English characters.

In the main text or figure/table legends, do not color the fonts or use smaller font size to distinguish one text from other texts. In our xml, only bold, italic, superscript, and subscript are allowed.

Note that supplementary material is not copyedited. Authors are responsible for ensuring all supplementary materials meet the scientific and style standards of the main text and figures.

Manuscript Format

All manuscripts should include the following sections in order. All sections are mandatory unless designated "optional":

Title page



Main texts (Review and Mini Review article)

Introduction (Original article)

Materials and Methods (Original article)

Results (Original article)

Discussion (Original article)

Conclusion (Original article)

Contributions (optional)

Conflict of interests

Funding support





Author biography (optional)

Title Page

In the title page, include the manuscript title, author’s name(s), affiliations, and corresponding author’s phone/fax number and/or email.

Title: Use sentence format; only the first word and proper nouns should be capitalized.

Authors: The list of authors and contributors should conform to the guidelines set out by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Provide full names of all authors.

Important: Write the first name and middle name before the surname, e.g., "Mike Johnson" (not "Johnson, Mike"; not "Johnson M."; not "M. Johnson").

Abstract: A structured abstract must be included with each original scientific manuscript with four clearly identifiable elements of content: rationale (goals of the investigation), methods (description of study subjects, experiments, and observational and analytic techniques), results (major findings), and conclusions. Except for the rationale, these sections should be preceded by headings (i.e., Methods, Results, and Conclusion). Abstract should not contain citations to references, any images or math equations. The total words of abstract should not exceed 350.

Keywords: Submit five keywords with the abstract.

Graphical Abstract: Supply a graphical abstract (a feature figure) after the abstract. The graphical abstract should summarize the contents of the paper in a concise, pictorial form designed to capture the attention of a wide readership and for compilation in databases. The graphical abstract will be published online in the table of contents. Carefully drawn figures that serve to illustrate the theme of the paper are desired. Authors may also provide appropriate text, not exceeding 30 words. The graphical abstract should be colored, and kept within an area of 12 cm (width) × 6 cm (height). Images should have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi and line art 1200 dpi.

Note: The height of the image should not be more than half of the width.

Main Text

Subsections: For original research articles, subdivide the main text into categories such as "Introduction", "Methods", "Results", "Discussion", and "Conclusions". Results, discussion, and conclusion can be combined in one section and methods can come before or after the results. Do not add numbers before subtitles. Write subtitles and headings in sentence case.

Citation of Tables and Figures: Tables and figures should be numbered consecutively using the format: Table 1, Table 2, Figure 1, Figure 2, etc. Parts of figures can be identified by A, B, C, D, etc. and cited as Figure 1A, Figure 1A-B, etc. Supplementary tables and figures should be identified with an "S": Table S1, Figure S1, etc. All tables and figures included with the manuscript must be cited in the main text.

Mathematical Formulae and Symbols: Simple mathematical formulae should be constructed using superscripts, subscripts, italics, and symbols in Microsoft Word. Avoid using math equations in Microsoft Word whenever possible, as they have to be replaced by images in xml full text. To insert a symbol use Insert/Symbol/ in the Microsoft Word menu. Select symbols from the fonts "(normal text)" or "Symbol". Use "/" for "divide" or "over", e.g., 1/7, 5/(4+6). Use Symbol fonts for "±"; "≤" and "≥" (avoid underlining characters).

Scientific Units: Use the International System of Units (SI) to communicate numerical data. However, where the field standard differs from SI, use the most common unit in the field. For example, "mg/mL" and "mM" are acceptable non-SI units for concentration. Units of time (hours, minutes seconds) should be expressed as "h", "min", "s". A space must be added between all numerical values and their unit (e.g., 5 mL, 30 s, 37 °C), except for units %, $, ° (angular degrees), ′ (angular minutes), and ″ (angular seconds) (e.g., 25%, $10, 90°). Above all, communicate numerical data consistently throughout the manuscript and figures.

Ethics Committee Approval and Patient Consent: If human or animal data is included in the manuscript, prior approval and consent must be stated in the methods section.

For human studies, approval must be obtained from the institutional review board or equivalent ethics committee and written informed consent must be obtained from research subjects, unless this requirement is waived by the institutional review board or equivalent. For studies in the United States, compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act is also required. Authors must also comply with the clinical trial registration statement from the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, and the clinical trial registration number must be provided. If the manuscript contains photos or parts of photos of patients, informed consent from each patient should be obtained. Patient's identities and privacy should be carefully protected in the manuscript.

For animal studies, approval must be obtained from the appropriate animal care committee for compliance with the National Institutes of Health for use of laboratory animals or equivalent.

Web pages and web links

We strongly discourage any mentioning or citing web links/URLs in your paper, since web addresses are changed frequently by their owners. This often results in broken links (dead links) in your paper in the future. It is annoying if readers cannot find the web pages when clicking on the links.


First appearance of the text should have the definitions of abbreviations used in the manuscript.

No word should be abbreviated unless it appears more than two times in the manuscript. Maintaining minimum abbreviations make the manuscript more interesting. Strictly follow the format. E.g., HIV: human immunodeficiency virus; SIV: simian immunodeficiency virus.

Competing interests

Competing interests that might interfere with the objective presentation of the research findings contained in the manuscript must be declared. Examples of competing interests are ownership of stock in a company, commercial grants, board membership, etc. If there is no competing interest, use the statement "The authors have declared that no competing interest exists".


Individuals who participated in the development of a manuscript but do not qualify as an author should be acknowledged. Organizations that provided support in terms of funding and/or other resources should also be acknowledged.


References should be numbered consecutively starting from 1. One article per reference only (not 1a, 1b, 1c). References should be cited in the manuscript text by numbers, e.g. [1,2], and should be inserted before punctuation with a space between the preceding word and the citation (e.g., "… as was observed previously [4-7]."). Do not include personal communications, unpublished observations, conference abstracts or conference papers in references. Do not format references as footnotes. Use plain text in references with no image or math equation.

Format the reference list using the following style. A reference style for EndNote may also be downloaded from here.

Journal Article

[Author surname] [Author initials], [Other author surnames & initials]. [Article title]. [Journal name abbreviation]. [Year]; [Volume]: [First page number]-[Last page number].

Use the NLM Catalog ( to find the abbreviations of journals. Omit any "." in the journal abbreviations. It is not necessary to italicize or bold the title, journal name, or any other part of the references. For journals that do not use pagination, use the article number in place of the page range. Use sentence format for article titles (only capitalize the first word). Include names of the first six authors for multi-author articles. For articles with six or more authors, use "et al."

1. Eknoyan G, Beck GJ, Cheung AK, Daugirdas JT, Greene T, Kusek JW, et al. Effect of dialysis dose and membrane flux in maintenance hemodialysis. N Engl J Med. 2002; 347: 2010-9.

Supplement example:
2. Volk HD, Reinke P, Krausch D, Zuckermann H, Asadullah K, Müller JM, et al. Monocyte deactivation-rationale for a new therapeutic strategy in sepsis. Intensive Care Med. 1996; 22 (Suppl 4): S474-81.

No author given example:

  1. [No authors listed]. Medicare program; criteria for Medicare coverage of adult liver transplants-HCFA. Final notice. Fed Regist. 1991; 56: 15006-18.

In press example:

  1. Cheung TMT, Capozza M, Cotugno S, Tafuri S, Bianchi FP, Schettini F, et al. Effectiveness of non-invasive positive pressure ventilation in the treatment of acute respiratory failure in severe acute respiratory syndrome. Chest, in press. doi: 10.1186/s13052-017-0438-9.

Epub ahead of print example:

  1. Li W, Chen Y, Cameron DJ, et al. Elovl4 haploinsufficiency does not induce early onset retinal degeneration in mice. Vision Res 2007; [Epub ahead of print].


[Author surname] [Author initials], [Other author surnames & initials]. [Book title]. [Edition] ed. [Place published]: [Publisher]; [Year].

1. Kiloh LG, Smith JS, Johnson GF, et al. Physical treatment in psychiatry. Boston, USA: Blackwell Scientific Publisher; 1988.

Chapter in Edited Book

[Author surname] [Author initials], [Other author surnames & initials]. [Chapter title]. In: [Editor surname] [Editor initials], Ed. [Book title]. [Edition] ed. [Place published]: [Publisher]; [Year]: [First page number]-[Last page number].

1. Beckenbough RD, Linscheid RL. Arthroplasty in the hand and wrist. In: Green DP, Ed. Operative Hand Surgery, 2nd ed. New York: Churchill Livingstone; 1988: 167-214.


[[Internet]] [Title]. [Publish date]. [URL]

1. [Internet] WHO. Summary of probable SARS cases with onset of illness from 1 November 2002 to 31 July 2003. Revised 26 September 2003.
2. [Internet] Kornberg R.


Insert tables as editable tables with minimal formatting. Do not insert tables as images.

Captions: Include a caption above each table. Number the captions with an Arabic numeral after the word "Table." Define all abbreviations used in one row at the bottom of the table.


Figures should clarify and augment the text. The selection of sharp, high quality figures is of paramount importance. The author will be required to correct or replace figures of inferior quality. Each submitted figure should clearly identify areas of interest with only enough surrounding white space for orientation.

If possible, the figures should be submitted as the size they will appear when published so that no reduction is necessary. The Arial lower case font should be used for all figure text, and the size should be 8–12 points when appear in the manuscript. Composite figures should be preassembled, with each figure part (e.g., A, B, C) lettered in 12-point upper case Arial bold font type in the upper left corner.

Resolutions for line arts must be at least 1,200 dpi, for color photos 600 dpi or higher, and for black/white photos at least 600 dpi or higher. Graphics downloaded from Internet are not acceptable because the 72 dpi resolution is too low for satisfactory reproduction. The file format can be ,pdf (most preferred), .ppt, .doc, .docx, .png, .tiff, or jpeg. Submit one (1) highest quality PDF containing all figures (one figure per page).

Legends: Include a legend below each figure. Legends should be concise and should not repeat the text. Number the legends with an Arabic numeral after the word "Figure." If a figure has more than one part, describe each part clearly. Any letter designations or arrows appearing on the figures should be identified and described fully. Abbreviations used in each figure should be defined in the legend in alphabetical order. For figures adapted from other articles, write "Adapted with permission from [REFERENCE], copyright YEAR PUBLISHER".

Author Biography

Authors now have the option to publish a biography together with their paper, with information such as MD/PhD degree, past and present positions, research interests, awards, etc. This increases the profile of the authors and is well received by international readers. See examples of author biographies on the website (e.g.,

Important note! After the manuscript is accepted, any inquiry related to publishing (copyediting, fees, proofs, etc.) must be addressed to our publishing team only. Do not send or cc any publishing-related inquiry to our editor-in-chief or editors as they are not involved in the publishing process after a manuscript is accepted.