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To determine the nutritional status and analyze the nutritional survey based on broad range of dietary, clinical, biochemical, anthropometric and socio-economic data for pregnant women the study was conducted on 400 pregnant women in South –West region of Khulna division, Bangladesh. The study was carried out by cross sectional methods amongst pregnant women in different trimesters of pregnancy. Data were collected with a pre-tested questionnaire composed of structured and non-structured question. The questionnaire included Socio-economic status, educational status, age, family member, child of respond, daily requirement of nutrients, vaccination during pregnancy, food habits, food believes, food prices, awareness about common disorder during pregnancy, height weight and clinical condition of mother, etc. We found that 66.25% pregnant women were nourished (including- normal 39.62%, over weight-21.50% and obese-5.13%), 24.75% were moderately malnourished. We also found that about 60%, 20%, 13.25% and 6.75% peoples comprises the monthly family income ≤5000 TK, 5000-8000 TK, 8000-10000 TK and ≥10000 TK respectively. In addition 34.50% people are primary education, 47.00%, secondary education, 5.25%, under graduate, 2.50% graduate and nearly 10.75% even does not have primary education. Very much unexpectedly about 59.50 % pregnant women were anemic who are risk to deliver their baby. The nutritional statuses of the pregnant women in the family size ≤4 people are better than ≤6 people. On the other hand urban pregnant women (68.57%) are comparatively well nourished than rural pregnant women (61.54%). Therefore, the key factor for the nutritional status of pregnant women may depend on the education and financial condition of their family. It is postulated that the nutrition situation of South-West region of Bangladesh has not improved satisfactory as an educational environment and need more attention and a community based strategy for the improvement of maternal nutritional status. This study would be useful in understanding the severity of the nutritional status of pregnant women and increase the awareness on pregnant women accomplishing their physical, mental and academic achievements.


nutritional status pregnant woman malnutrition anemia

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How to Cite
Hossain, Hossain, M. F., & Khalil, M. I. (2013). A STUDY ON NUTRITIONAL STATUS OF PREGNANT WOMAN IN SOUTH-WEST REGION OF BANGLADESH. International Research Journal of Pharmaceutical and Applied Sciences, 3(2), 54-58. Retrieved from