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Quality characteristics of tomato fruit will be affected by a number pre- and post harvest factors. In this study, the effect of maturity stage on post harvest quality characteristics of tomato was investigated. Tomato fruits of the same farmers‟ variety were harvested at mature-green, medium ripe and full-ripe stages. After harvesting, tomato samples were sliced and homogenized in blender for preparation of juice. The experiment was laid out using completely randomized design on juice samples. As response parameters, pH, titratable acidity, total soluble solids, sugar (total, reducing, and non-reducing sugar), and firmness were measured with three replications. Results indicated that maturity stage at harvest significantly (p<0.05) affected quality attributes of tomato fruit. The highest value of pH (4.63) and TA (3.98%) was recorded in full ripe and mature green stage respectively. The increase in pH was paralleled by a decrease in titratable acidity. The highest value of total sugar (6.40%), reducing sugar (9.00%) percentage and TSS (6.57 oBrix) were shown by full ripe tomatoes. As tomatoes mature, there is generally an increase in sugar content and a decrease in acidity. The pH, percentage of total sugar, reducing sugar, TSS were found to increase with advances of maturity stages at harvest. Thus, it can be concluded that the choice of fruit picking time (maturity stage) plays a key role in influencing the quality attributes of tomato fruits. Further research is recommended on more quality parameters with different types of tomato varieties.


ruit firmness harvesting stage health benefit color post-harvest maturity stage

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How to Cite
Teka , T. A. (2013). ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECT OF MATURITY STAGE ON THE POSTHARVEST BIOCHEMICAL QUALITY CHARACTERISTICS OF TOMATO (Lycopersicon esculentum MILL.) FRUIT . International Research Journal of Pharmaceutical and Applied Sciences, 3(5), 180-186. Retrieved from