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Hibiscus rosa sinesis is a versatile plant having a range of medicinal properties and whose each and every plant part is important and shows unique morphological and therapeutic characteristics. Ethanomedicinal documenta- tion about the plant states that the plants have been well studied therapeutically on leaf and bark portion but the root portion is still ill investigated. Hence, the present aim of the study is to investigate the antipyretic activity of the root extract of Hibiscus rosa sinesis, belonging to the family Malvacae, in yeast induced pyrexia in swiss albino rats and to examine the analgesic potentials of the extract in albino rats using tail flicking method at a dose of 250mg/kg body weight. Paracetamol was taken as standard drug at a dose of 30mg/kg b.w for antipyretic activity and Diclofenac Sodium at a dose of 45 mg/kg b.w. for analgesic activity. Control was feeded on 0.5% SLS. The aqueous root extract showed significant dose dependent activity.


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How to Cite
Soni, D., & Gupta, A. (2011). An evaluation of antipyretic and analgesic potentials of aqueous root extract of hibiscus rosa sinesis Linn. (malvacae). International Journal of Research in Phytochemistry and Pharmacology, 1(3), 184-186. Retrieved from