Published: May 7, 2020

NMR spectral assignments of two ent-kaurane diterpene glycosides

131-135 Venkata Sai Prakash Chaturvedula , Indra Prakash

Evaluation of chemopreventive efficacy of citral in 7,12- ISSN: 2231-010X Research Article dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA) induced hamster buccal pouch carcinogenesis

136-143 Duraisamy Rajasekaran, Shanmugam Manoharan, Nagarethinam Baskaran, Krishnamoorthy Vasudevan

Report of a Case of Child Splenectomy following the fall

144-145 Mohammad Zarei, Hasan Talebzadeh, Marzieh Vahdani

Evaluation of the anti-hyperlipidaemic activity of Premna integrifolia using experimental animal model

146-149 Manish J. Patel, Patel J.K

Pharmacology evaluation of methanolic extracts of two medicinal plants Anogessius acuminata and Gymnosporia emerginata leaves central nervous system depressant activity

150-154 Uma vasireddy, Hemamalini K, Nagarjun Goud A, Harinath K, Vamshi G, Vishnu E, Raghu H, Sharath Goud T

Study of anthelmintic activity of dried seedless pods of Acacia sinuate

155-160 Venkateshwar Reddy A, Sairam Maduri

Evaluation of anti-diarrhoeal activity of the bark of Terminalia arjuna [Roxb]

161-164 Sivakumar G, Chandramohan Rao G, Sindhu Priya E.S, Shravan N, Somasekhar P

Short-term Toxicity Studies of Eupatorium adenophorum in Swiss Albino Mice

165-171 Damodar Singh Y, Mukhopadhayay S.K, Ayub Ali M, Tolenkhomba T.C, Ayub Shah M.A

Flavonol -3, 7- di-o- glycosides from the flowers of Aconitum laeve

172-175 Pappu Kumar, Verma D.L

Screening and Quantitative Estimation of Phytochemical Constituents in Citrullus colocynthis (Linn.) Schrad.

176-179 Murugesan S, Muthusamy M

Evaluation of analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity of Ethyl acetate extract of Zygophyllum simplex Linn. herb

180-183 Harish Kumar N. Kakrani, Purvi H. Kakrani, Ajay K. Saluja

An evaluation of antipyretic and analgesic potentials of aqueous root extract of hibiscus rosa sinesis Linn. (malvacae)

184-186 Deependra Soni, Anshita Gupta

In vitro thrombolytic assay of Alpinia zerumbet, Alpinia nigra and Urena sinuata

187-191 Adnan Mannan, Abu Ahmed A. M, Farjana Sharmin, Tuntun Fatema, Mohd. Omar Faruk Sikder

HPLC Method for Determination of p-coumaric acid from the Medicinal Herb Leptadinia reticulata

192-195 Geetha N.P, Mahesh M, Bettadaiah B.K, Kini R.K, Prakash H.S

SET domain and altered SET domain histone methyl transferases in cancer: A detailed insight

93-111 Debasish Kumar Ghosh

Bone markers in glucocorticoids induced osteoporosis

112-119 Sudhakar Simham, David Banji, Otilia J.F. Banji, Muneer Ahamed Md, Rambabu Kurra

A review on prevalence of latent autoimmune diabetes in adults

120-123 Prachi Singh, Pramod Kumar Sharma, Vipin Kumar Garg, Avnesh kumar Singh, Sambhu Charan Mondal

Antihyperglycemic effect of various medicinal plants of sikkim himalayas - A review

124-130 Smrita Pradhan