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Methanolic extract of dried leaves of Capsicum annum L. was studied for its phytochemical properties. The extract revealed the presence of alkaloids, steroids, tannins, phenolic compounds, flavanoids, saponins and proteins. The total phenolic content was evaluated for the extract and it was further subjected to in- vitro anti-oxidant activity. The results were found to be significant.


Capsicum annum leaves total phenolic content antioxidant phytochemical studies

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How to Cite
Majumder, T., P, S., P, S., K, A., Sk, N., & K, R. (2013). ESTIMATION OF TOTAL PHENOLIC CONTENT AND EVALUATION OF IN-VITRO ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY CAPSICUM ANNUM LINN. LEAVES . International Research Journal of Pharmaceutical and Applied Sciences, 3(2), 180-185. Retrieved from